No.114 "Koi-ha ryu-sei, Shooting star of love" by Miho Yonemitsu

fantasy-dinosaur-future-past Photo by Vlynn, under license


Hi. Today's song is "Koi-ha ryū-sei, Shooting star of love" (Love is a shooting star) by "Miho Yonemitsu".

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1.Song data

  1. Songdata
Title Koi-ha ryū-sei,

(Love is a shooting star)
Artist Miho Yonemitsu
Album Title FOREVER
Catalog Number ESCB-1691
Track No. 9
Duration 5:46
Publisher Epic record Japan
Lyricist Minako Yoshida
Composer Minako Yoshida
Arranger Toshiki Kadomatsu

  1. About the creators

Minako YoshidaLyricist&Composer

"Minako Yoshida" is a singer, lyricist, composer, arranger and a music producer active since 1972.

She has been one of the most powerful and influential artist in J-pop, and still frequently appearing on the major music events.

From Debut to bloom

She started her professional career by releasing her first album "Tobira-no fuyu" (A winter outside the door) which was produced by Haruomi Hosono" in 1973.

Her high potential was soon noticed by fans and the people in music business, and began to receive attention.

In 1976, one of her song "Yume-de ae-tara"(I wish I could meet you in my dream, actually written by Ei-ichi Ōtaki though...), achieved a smash hit. And thanks to this, she became a better-known singer.

Surprisingly, this song has been covered 61 times by various professional singers thereafter. So, doubtlessly, this is one of the classic in Japanese popular music.

But, because this was not a song she wrote, she could not be 100 percent happy.

Perfect album

In 1981, "Yoshida" finally released a conclusive album "Monster in town". This was a superb Soul & funk album, and perfectly adequate for her as the "Queen of Funk".

There were 2 smash hits born from this album, and contributed to establish her public image as a soul singer.

Since then, she has been a powerful "Queen of Funk" to date.

Koi-ha ryū-sei

By the way, "Koi-ha ryū-sei –SHOOTING STAR OF LOVE–" (Love is a shooting star) is originally a song which "Minako Yoshida" wrote for herself to perform in her 5th album "Twilight zone" of 1977.

"Koi-ha..." is a popular classic number of J-pop now, and a few singers have covered so far.

The arrangement of "Yoshida" version was done by a prominent artist "Tatsuro Yamashita" who is known as a "Craftsman of the sound". So, there is a taste of "Tatsurō".

On the other hand, an Arranger for "Yonemitsu" version is "Toshiki Kadomatsu" who is a brilliant sound creator as well.

So, it might be quite interesting to compare the sound of each arrangers.

Then. here is an original, "Minako Yoshida" version.

For "Yonemitsu" version, please check it later at the bottom of the page.

"Koi-ha ryū-sei"
(Love is a shooting star)(1977)
by Minako Yoshida

(Ref: Wikipedia, Minako Yoshida)

Video clip

Finally, here is a clip of an audiophile event held in 2014, which "Tamotsu Yoshida", who is a famous recording engineer, and an elder brother of "Minako Yoshida". appeared as a main guest.

You can hear a background music at the beginning of the video, and it is the Yoshida version of "Koi-ha ryū-sei", which has been recently remastered by him.

* "Listening event digest"

Toshiki KadomatsuArranger

"Toshiki Kadomatsu" is a singer, songwriter, arranger, guitarist and music producer active since 1981.

He is a known popular singer in resort pop and funk category, and more famous now a days as a talented music producer of the same field.

Resort pop

"Toshiki Kadomatsu" began his professional career with first album "Sea breeze" in 1981.

Since then, he focused on creating stylish pop songs with tropical resort feel.

Because the people of that time, particularly young, were dreaming to travel overseas for holiday.

So, bright and sunny songs like he was creating in this period were well accepted by fans, and soon "Kadomatsu" gained popularity.

Later in the mid 80s, he moved his music toward more funk based direction. And it has been a basic style of his music to date.

As a producer

Almost in parallel, he started out as a music producer by offering songs and arrangement works for a rising star "Anri" in 1983.

At the end of the day, his produce of Anri resulted in a big success.

Anri became a super star in resort pop category, and "Kadomatsu" was recognized as a capable producer.

Busy days

Since then, he has collaborated with many star singers like "Akina Nakamori", "Hideki Saijo", "Miho Nakayama" in the '80s, and in the 90s, "Miho Yonemitsu", "Hiromi Iwasaki" and others.

"Miho Nakayama" in particular. For her triumphant musical success in the late 80s, "Kadomatsu" made a great contribution as a producer.

After 2000

In the mid '90s, he tentatively stopped his artist activity for 2-3 years.

But in 1997, he came back as a member of a mystery band "Agartha", and released a song titled "ILE AIYE - Wa-ni natte odorō" (Let's dance in a circle).

This funky pop tune adopted as a theme song for the closing ceremony of the 1998 Winter Olympic games in Nagano.

The band performed a live at the end of the ceremony, and the song became a big hit. Since then, "Kadomatsu" completely recovered, and having a hectic days.

Now, here is a sample of "ILE AIYE - Wa-ni natte odorō"

Agartha`s original version is not available from the digital music shops. So, this is a Jazz vocalist "Roco"s version from her album "Kodomo Jazz 5"(Kids songs in Jazz 5)(2012).

This is an arranged version as well. But it is still the closest to the original. compared with the various other artists.

"Wa-ni natte odorō"
by "Roco"

(Ref: Wikipedia, Toshiki Kadomatsu)

Video clip

Finally, here is small clip of a show event called "Illuminant rebirth". The show was produced by "Kadomatsu" and performed at "Sanrio puloland", which is a theme park in Tokyo, featuring Sanrio's characters like "Hello Kitty".

* "Illuminant rebirth "Nikoichi”feat.MAY'S"

Cover art today

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(Digital music,
Miho Yonemitsu, 1995, 2014.

  1. Song image & Lyrics

Link to the lyrics

  1. Sound impressions

bright & grand

This seems to be a pop song in a bright, sparkling and grand sound in moderated speed in 16th note rhythm.

Twinkling sound of the keyboards, the bass, and the rich strings ensemble play a dramatic introduction. Then, the drums, percussions, and the vocal join, and begin the main melody.

From the beginning to the end, the background sound is really powerful and overwhelming, and strongly support the beautiful singing of "Yonemitsu".

Saxophone solo appears in the bridge is also quite nice.


One remarkable point of this song is a surprisingly gorgeous orchestration of the strings.

Almost a classic concert like big number of real strings generate authentic & luxurious sound, which is making this song well worth listening.

Free and sunny voice

In such a rich and gorgeous background music, "Yonemitsu"s lively but tender voice shows equal or even greater presence, and encourages the listeners.

Jolly good. Please try.

  1. Reference

  1. About the artist

Miho YonemitsuSongbird of the Performance dolls

"Miho Yonemitsu" is a singer, TV character, and a former member of "Tokyo performance doll" from 1990 to 1994.

As a solo singer, she debuted in 1990 with a single CD "Yokan"(Feeling). Since then, 18 singles and 9 original albums have been released until now.

(Ref: Wikipedia-en, Miho Yonemitsu)


"Miho Yonemitsu" started her professional career by becoming an original member of a newly created singing and dancing team of young women, called "Tokyo performance doll" * in 1990.

Since then, she played an important role as the ace vocalist of the team until the big rearrangement of the group happened in 1994.

(* Japanese is a language uses same form of nouns for singular and plural in general. So we say, one doll, two doll, 100 doll, many doll... like that way.)

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"Tokyo performance doll" *

The original "Tokyo performance doll" was formed in 1990 and lasted until 1996. The team was started with 7 teenager girls as original members, and 24 members are joined one after another by the end of the project.

It was rather unique as an idol pop group, since they were highly specialized for dance performance and singing, while the other idol groups were appealing their singing and member's characters.

Actually, their dance performance was quite nice even none of them had any prior experience. According to someone, they spent 8 hours a day for dance training.

Because of such specialty nature of the group, the range of fans were slightly narrower compared with the other idol groups.

But, the loyalty of fans seems higher since there are still a lot of enthusiasts after 20 years from broke up.

As a songbird

Therefore, all the members of the group were basically good at singing.

Among those good singers, "Yonemitsu"s skill and power of expression on singing was outstanding from the beginning, then she naturally became an ace vocalist of the team.

Whenever the team was challenging difficult songs, "Yonemitsu" was often featured as a main vocal.

After TPD

In September 1994, "Yonemitsu" left (Often spruced up as "Sotsugyō" = graduation") the group together with few of the earliest members due to the reform of the group.

Since then, she started a new career as a solo singer by having a support from a talented music producer "Toshiki Kadomatsu".

Stylish pop music and ballad

"TPD"s music can basically be defined as a Dance pop, or Euro beat type dynamic sound.

Conversely, the music "Kadomatsu" provided for her was a bright & stylish, well known "Kadomatsu" sound which is like you are listening today.

And successfully brought out her new charm.


She continued solo activities until around 2009. But it seems she is not singing much recently.

Beautiful and skillful singing like her is really desired for the recent music scene. We are eagerly waiting her quick come back.

(Ref: Wikipedia-jp, Miho Yonemitsu)

(Ref:, TPD Members list)🇯🇵

(Ref: THEENDOFNIGHT, Cha-Dance Party Vol.1, TPD)🇯🇵

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  1. Samples from online music stores

About the samples

Please go to the page below, and just play or click track No.9.

Trial button is on the left side of the song title.

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8. Japanese Letters

8. Japanese Letters
Song Title 恋は流星 Shooting star of love
(Koi-ha ryū-sei, Shooting star of love)
Artist 米光美保
(Miho Yonemitsu)
Album Title FOREVER
