Memo 005 : About Summer shift

information-hand-note-request Photo by geralt, under license

Memo : Posting once a week on Saturday from 1st May to 30th Sep.

Hi. Thank you for always visiting our blog. We are very much appreciated.

From the 1st May to the end of September, we would like to post once a week on Saturday instead of current twice a week for business reasons.

We have a small farm and growing little bit of vegetables. It is not a large area but still requires a lot of works.

We suppose we cannot share enough time to maintain the current pace. So, please allow us to reduce the number of posts during the summer season.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please check for the new post on Saturday for the above mentioned period if you could.

Thank you very much.

Satsuma, Smooth sound j-pop blog.

APR.28, 2018
