Memo01 About "Aidoru" (Japanese idol) song review posting

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Updated 27.SEP.2017

Category : Memo, Notice "aidoru(Japanese idol) pops"


  1. Summary
  2. Introduction and overview
  3. Aidoru" and "aidoru song"
    1. What is an "Aidoru"(Japanese Idol)
    2. What does Wikipedia say ?
  4. What is the matter for "aidoru pops"?
  5. What is the background for that?
  6. We love "aidoru"
  7. Samples from online music stores

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This article is a little longer than usual. From any point of view, it is a bit too long.

So, long and too detailed part(3-5) are folded. Please just check summary and overview if you like.(5min)

If you are keen to read full article, please click switch under the idol photo below to open. You can see some more detail, though the sentences are not yet well polished.
(Please be careful for falling asleep.)

Thank you for coming.

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1. Summary

  1. Posting of "Aidoru(idol) pops" will be started from now.
  2. "Aidoru pops" is a group of songs sung by young pop stars.
  3. That shares the largest part in J-pop in terms of value and number of songs.
  4. Songs in this sector are rich in variety in many respects.
  5. Singing skill of some performer's is at "trainee" stage.
  6. For such songs, a remark will be put on post.
  7. So, wish you aren't surprised when listen, or just leave it.
  8. Such songs become sweets once you familiarized well.

Now, let's start.

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2. Introduction and overview

We would like to kick off posting "Aidoru(idol) pops" of Light & mellow category on this blog.

"Aidoru(idol) pops" is actually the biggest sector in J-pop, and there are tens of thousands of songs.

In this sector, singing skill is often not a priority, then sometimes "stunning charming" singer comes on stage.

And, some people with no delicacy comments "aidoru-pops" as "amateur" or "non-professional".

That is partly true but far from everything.

The fact is "Aidoru(idol) pops" is excellent and lovely song category overall.

This is a bit of memo about it.

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"Aidoru pops" means a group of songs performed by young pop stars. This actually shares the largest part in J-pop in terms of exposures, sales value, number of singers, number of songs, etc.

That was the most flourish in '70s to '90s which might earned about 40% of J-pop music soft sales(Our guesstimate).

Now in 2010s, like "Momokuro", "AKB48", "Arashi"..., the style of "aidoru"(idol) has been changed a lot, but basic concept, and the importance in J-pop remain unchanged.

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The feature of "aidoru(idol) song" sector can be concluded "Mixed" in one word. Some are very good, and some are umm...

In fact, a certain aidoru's singing can be shockingly turbulent which is almost tripping.

Because of such nature, "aidoru pops" as a whole is often said "amateur", "non-professional"...etc

That is, however, a usual prejudice. You soon could understand simple principle, which good song is good, not so is not so, once you listen.

We would like to select good songs from them, and post it for you, with remarks if there are any minor concerns.

So, please pay a bit of attention if you see our "aidoru song" remarks, and enjoy good music.

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That is an overview of the article.

Please click "(Jump to song)" to listen the today's special song. ->recommended.

Song today is a typical lively "aidoru pops", which cheers all "idols".

Or, If you are interested in more details, and OK for long article, please click the switch under the below idol picture.(15 minutes to read)

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Cute chemist with herb, model Yuki Kawamura at

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7. Samples from online music stores

The song today is "Nantettatte aidoru"(Idol totally rocks!) by Kyoko Koizumi released in 1985.
This is the most famous song singing about "aidoru".
Please feel some "aidoru" world by listening it

(* The song is posted for feeling active "aidoru" air, so an exception in our blog. Song like this type might not comes up in our main stream anyway.

Kyoko Koizumi's songs will definitely come up later since her songs are excellent.)

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Please note this is an energetic loud lively pop-rock, totally different from songs which this blog usually posts.

So, better not to play if you think this is not for you.

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